Why You Should Compliment a Girl on a First Date

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Dating

So you have a first date. You see the girl arriving and don’t know what to say. A little compliment could help get things started on the right foot. Think about it, who doesn’t like receiving compliments? 


Should You Compliment a Girl on a First Date?

It is a good practice to compliment a girl on the first date to let her know you are interested and to make her feel appreciated. A nice, friendly compliment can go a long way to making a positive first impression. Be careful not to overdo it; the compliment should feel natural and authentic. 

I think it’s a good idea to give some sort of compliment on a first date. The subject of the complement is less important than whether or not you mean it and that it comes out with sincerity. 


Compliment Your Date When You First See Her

If you see her coming and she looks great, why not tell her? I think starting the first date by saying, “You look beautiful,” “You look great,” or “You look amazing” is an excellent way to kick off the date. I don’t know about you, but all the women I ever dated have liked receiving compliments. The compliment does not have to be physical; there are many different options of what you can say.

I am currently dating a woman, and when I first saw her, I said, “You look great.” A little later in the night, I told her she was beautiful. People can often feel tense on a date, and a little casual compliment goes a long way to keep things positive. It’s just a nice thing to do. I especially think a compliment early on is a great way to start the night. 


The Compliment Should be Genuine

The compliment has to be genuine. Women can often tell when they are being fed a line. I remember a woman telling me about a first date on which a guy complimented her, but she felt it was disingenuous. She said it was like he gave the same compliments to every girl. Don’t do that. You don’t want to be that guy. 

The best thing you can do is give a girl a compliment specific to her. For example, I told the woman I am in a relationship with on our first date that she had very positive energy. This was a heartfelt and specific compliment because she has intense positive energy. She was smiling and upbeat throughout the date, and I wanted to tell her how much I liked that. She still remembers what I told her on our first date because it made an impression on her and was something she takes pride in. 


Don’t Overdo It

One important thing about giving compliments is to be careful not to overdo it. Don’t come off as fake, and don’t try to shower her with compliments to make her like you. The goal is not to trick her into liking you. The goal is, to be honest and make her feel good while letting her know you are interested in her and that you are happy to be on the date. Compliments only count if they are authentic.

Keep your compliments sensible and honest. Don’t come off as creepy or needy. On the subject of creepiness, let’s maybe not compliment her body parts unless they are above the neck, okay, fellas? It’s a first date, so let’s keep things classy. 


Complimenting a Girl on the First Date

It is a good idea to sincerely compliment a woman on a first date. Just ensure it comes from the heart and not some blog post on pick-up lines. So please be open, be real, and go get a date that’s worth complimenting. Good luck, gentlemen.