Doesn’t Matter Why You’re Afraid of Talking to Women

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Social Tips

If you are reading this, you might be scared of talking to women. It is normal for many men to feel nervous about talking to women. The most important thing is not to let these fears ruin your ability to live your life and have a healthy relationship. You do not need to be alone just because you are scared. 


It Doesn’t Matter Why You are Afraid of Talking to Women

It does not matter why you are scared of talking to women. Whatever the reason, the problem’s solution will be the same. Talking to women is the only way to overcome your fear of talking to women. So you can either spend the rest of your life without talking to women or go out and speak to one.

never found any success in ruminating over a problem. Whenever I have had success in life, was when I stopped worrying and just made a plan. Sitting around thinking about your fears will most certainly get you nowhere.

If you are concerned about talking to women, the best thing to do is develop a plan to talk to women and implement it.


Take Action and Talk to Women or Give Up

Only two things can happen when you are scared of talking to women. One is that you can accept your fear and try to talk to women anyway; the other is that you can give up. I don’t think you should give up. I believe in you. I think you should work on a way to talk to women.

There is only one way to work on talking to women, and that is to actually speak to them. In fact, you will not be able to get past your fear of talking to women without talking to women. This is not something you are going to work out without action. I know that this is easier said than done. I know that you are still worried because you are scared of talking to women. I know.

Here is the truth. You have to talk to women when you are scared to do so. That’s it. I am not going to lie to you. I am not going to tell you that it is all going to go away. It’s not going to just go away. You have to go talk to a woman and see how it goes. That’s it, and yes, you will be nervous. Yes, you may be scared. To that, I say, “So what.” Do it anyway. Being brave does not mean you are not scared. Being brave means you are scared, and you still do it anyway.


Talking To Women is the Only Way to Deal With Your Fear of Talking To Women

The more you talk to women, the less scared you will be of them. The longer you wait before you speak to women, the more frightened you will get. If you are afraid of women and you are being avoidant, your fears are going to compound, and I assure you this will only get worse. Go out there and talk to someone, anyone. Little by little, you will see that it will get better.

You do not need to live your life in fear and regret your choices. I would rather try and fail than do nothing. In my book, trying and failing is more noble than doing nothing. 


What is the Worse that Can Happen

You go out there and talk to a woman, and what’s the worst that can happen? Do you think she is going to stab you in the throat? Or are you just scared she isn’t going to be interested in you?

So what if she doesn’t like you. Who cares. You will survive and find someone else. Maybe you stumble over your words or are awkward. Perhaps you say something stupid. So what. You will survive. I know you will. It’s ok to screw up. It’s ok to make mistakes, but do you think it is ok to do nothing? 

Would you rather be avoidant? Is that the life you want to live? One where you let everyone else pass you by living, and you do nothing. You need to start talking to women, and I highly doubt that it will be as bad as you think. If it is, then so what?


Stop Worrying About Why You are Scared of Women and Make a Plan

Worrying about why you are scared of women is not going to get you anywhere. It is better to quit obsessive thinking and make a plan to do something about it. This is a simple case of risk vs reward. Talking to women is actually quite low risk with a potential for an amazing reward. But the risk of inaction is very high, and there is literally no reward for doing that.

If you want tips on taking action, I have another post you can read: Ten Ways to Practice Talking to Women.

So what’s it going to be? Are you going to do nothing and keep being scared of talking to women, or are you going to go out there and actually talk to one?