It’s OK to Tell Your Date You Want to See Her Again

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Dating

You are on a first date. Everything is going well. You already know you want to see this girl again, but you need to decide if and when you should tell her.


Should You Tell a Girl You Want to See Her Again on the First Date

It is OK to tell a woman you would like to see her again while you are still on a first date as long as you are mentally prepared for whatever response she might give. You should respond cordially and maturely whether she says yes, no, or maybe. 

Anytime I was on a first date, and it was going well, I would ask the woman out for a second date. I wouldn’t wait. I would tell her in person on our first date and ask her out again face to face.


How To Tell a Woman You Want to See Her Again During the First Date

First of all, don’t tell a girl you want to see her again five minutes into the date. This could come off as strange, pushy, or needy. Also, if the date went poorly, maybe you shouldn’t ask her out again, but that’s your call. Definitely do not ask her out if you don’t mean it and don’t really want to see her again. You should want to date someone you are excited to see. If you aren’t looking forward to your date, why bother asking?

When I have been on a date and knew that I wanted to see her again, I would tell her towards the end of the date. At some point, I would say something like, “Well, I had a great time and would like to see you again if you are interested.” I feel like starting with telling her you had a good time is a great way to kick off this conversation. Only say this if you actually enjoyed yourself. Don’t be disingenuous. You want to be authentic at all times. You should be looking to connect with her, which requires honest communication.

You can say lots of different things, such as, “It’s been nice getting to know you, and I would like to continue this conversation another time if you would like to see me again.” The exact words don’t really matter; just make sure they fit the situation and that you really mean it. Always be real with the women you date. It’s the only way to get to a healthy, honest relationship.


It’s OK if She Says No When You Ask Her Out Again

The most important thing I can tell you is that it is OK if she says “no” when you ask her out again. This is not something to be upset by. No woman on Earth owes you a second date. If she doesn’t want to see you again, that is her business, and you need to move on and find someone else who does.

You should not be upset with her and definitely do not get angry. You should be polite and understanding. If she says no, just respond with something like, “Well, that’s OK. I wish you good luck and thank you for going out with me tonight“. Once again, the exact words do not matter, but the sentiment does. You want to really sincerely wish her the best and avoid getting upset. The most important lesson I can ever teach anyone is that it is OK if a woman doesn’t like you. You will survive, and all you have to do is find someone who will like you. 

Be mentally prepared for whatever may come. That’s the most important thing about asking a girl out.


You Might Get an Ambiguous Response

I was out to dinner on a first date once, and when we were wrapping up, I asked her if she wanted to have dinner with me again. She responded by saying, “We’ll see”. I thought this was an odd response because we had a nice time and good conversation. simply said, “OK, well, you let me know“. On the way out the door, she asked me to text her the next day. So I texted her, and she said yes to a second date. I don’t know if she was playing hard to get, if she was nervous, or maybe she just wanted to think about it, but that’s what happened.

You need to be prepared for any response when you are in these situations. Remember that the fate of the world does not rely on her response. Don’t make such a big deal out of all this. You will be OK no matter what happens. 


My Experience Asking for a Second Date in Person

have only asked women for a second date in person when really felt we both had a good time. As far as I can remember, except for the girl who said, “We’ll see,” every one of them said yes to the second date. Did we follow up with the second date every time? No, we did not. But in most cases, we did.

I am very comfortable socially and not afraid of rejection or hard conversations, so asking a girl for a second date in person is easy for me. The reason I am not scared of rejection is that I think it is perfectly fine for a woman to not want to go out with me. I do not see anything wrong with this. No woman owes me anything. Also, I put a lot of effort into a first date and work very hard to make sure they have a nice time. I do everything I can to make a solid first impression. I would also ask them out with confidence after getting a good feeling that they enjoyed themselves. So, I typically got positive responses. 


It’s OK if You Don’t Ask Them Out In Person

It’s also OK if you do not want to ask them out in person. You can always call or text her later, but when I really like a woman, I tell her on the spot that I want to see her again. I think it is good to let her leave on a high note. You should want her to feel like you are interested and that the date was worth it.


Telling the Girl You Want to See Her Again While Still on the First Date

Whether or not you ask her out again in person or later via text or call is entirely up to you. I think sincerity and direct communication are the basis for a healthy relationship. When I like a girl, I tell her. You don’t have to play games or do the wait-a-few-days nonsense. I tell them I want to see them again right there, and most importantly, I am OK with whatever response I get.

Now, go get yourself a first date so you can ask her out on a second date, assuming it goes well. Let’s hope it does. Good luck.