You are meeting a young lady for your first date. You walk into the restaurant without reservations and ask for a table. The hostess tells you that they are fully booked. This is not a good way to start a first date.
Should You Make a Reservation for the First Date?
When going on a first date to a restaurant, the gentleman should make a reservation to ensure a table is available and avoid long wait times or risk being turned away. Additionally, making a reservation will show your date that you are thoughtful and prepared, which will help you make a good first impression.
I have spoken to enough women in my life to know they like it when the man makes reservations. First dates and first impressions are essential, so you should take them seriously. Making reservations for a first date lets your date know that you put in effort and positions you as a high-quality man.
I live in New York City and have become accustomed to making reservations because so many restaurants get filled up quickly here. I developed the habit of making reservations so long ago that I automatically do it when making plans. This type of behavior becomes second nature when you develop the habit.
Making a Reservation is a Safe Bet
Making reservations is the safest thing you can do for a dinner date. Dinner is a great first-date choice, and the last thing you want to do is to ruin the date by being unprepared. Being unprepared will not give her the confidence in you that you may be looking for.
I have a friend named Tessa who told me a story about a first date she went on. The guy asked her out on one of the dating apps, and she said yes. He sent her the location and the time. So far, so good, and then they met at the restaurant on Saturday night.
They walked into the restaurant, and he asked for a table for two. The hostess told him that they had no tables available and that it would be a long wait. Tessa was a good sport about the situation and suggested that there were many restaurants nearby they could try. They left and went door to door until, after several attempts, they found a restaurant that could seat them.
This does not seem so bad, but the truth is she never went out with him again. I am not saying this is why she never saw him again, but being unprepared certainly didn’t help. Was there some subconscious signal about the date telling her not to go out with him again? If he had walked in like a boss with reservations and gotten seated, would it have changed her first impression of him? It couldn’t have hurt and maybe could have helped.
Women Like It When a Guy Makes Reservations
I don’t know about you, but when I have been on dating apps like Hinge, I saw on many occasions women saying things like:
“The way to win me over is … Dinner Reservations.”
“I am looking for someone who … makes reservations.”
Women are happy to tell you what they want; you should listen when they do. I have many female friends who all say they like a guy who makes reservations. I have dated many women in my life, and they always point out that they appreciate that I make reservations.
I asked a woman, Lia, about her thoughts on a man not making reservations. She said, “If you start off the relationship with the girl doing everything, you’re never going to have a chance.”
Women think a man who makes reservations is attractive. There is no better way I can say it. So take this seriously and make reservations when you go out to dinner. I also think a man should plan the entire first date this is another way to make a good first impression. I have another post if you want to read more about setting up a first date. Who Should Plan the First Date?
Reservations Signal High Quality
Most of the women I know say they are looking for a “Good man.” This means someone of high quality. Making reservations is one simple way you can show her that you are a high-quality man willing to put in effort and plan ahead. This is a primal signal to women that if there is ever a problem, you are someone she can count on to be on top of things. To quote Lia, “At the end of the day, many women simply want to be taken care of.”
A small amount of effort will help you go a long way. Imagine if the last guy she went on a date with did not make a reservation. Now she is going on a first date with you, and you did make reservations. This puts you ahead of every man who doesn’t do this very simple act. You want to stand out as a good man to date. Making dinner reservations is a great way for you to show her you are a grown-up who is looking to put in the effort necessary to make her happy. Yes, making reservations says a lot about your character and sets up the foundation for the potential of further dating.
How To Make Dinner Reservations
I usually make my reservations online. You can make reservations for many restaurants on Google and other websites or apps. One tip I would give you is don’t be scared of using your phone to actually call for restaurant reservations. There were multiple times when I tried getting a reservation online for a particular restaurant and couldn’t for some reason. I called, and the person who answered the phone set me up with a reservation even though it said it was fully booked online. This just happened to me a few weeks ago, and we got a table from calling. Dating should be effort. You should go out of your way to date. Putting in effort is a sign you care.
Should You Book a Table For a Date?
A gentleman should make reservations for a dinner date, especially for a first date. I personally make reservations almost every single time I go out, and I usually go out at least once a week. If you want to read more about how to improve your dating game I have another post on Ten Things a Man Should Do on a First Date.
Making a reservation starts the date off on a positive note, making you look prepared and reliable. Dinner reservations also help avoid problems like getting to the restaurant and there are no tables available.
I hope this was helpful and good luck making your dinner reservations. Have fun on your dates!